Annabelle was much liked the Korean’s dramas, it was romantic and beautiful. Especially, she liked that the Korea actor was gazing affectionately the actress in the weather which had the snow and ice in the teleplays.
The actress dressed very beautiful, her bags were very fashionable, such as the coach. This scene always made her touched and envy. She liked the snow, fashion, and the romantic love. She was thinking that she would meet the lover who just liked the leading role in the teleplays every time.
She liked to dream everything. For example, she would become a famous designer.
ray ban rb2132And then she could design many clothes which she liked. Or she would become a director who had made a very popular movie. Or even the manager of a company. The manager was rich and had a lot of power, such as the decision.
However the fantasy is unrealistic, it could not be achieved. She had a very good friend, he treated her very well, and everyone knew that he liked her many years. Only did she not know or pretended not to know. He knew everything she liked; he would send her something she liked as the coach every time. But she was still regarding him as her friend. In fact, he had sent her a lot of the coaches.
ray ban logo She had never bought anything for him. What was more, she regarded his love as for granted. He almost was disappointed every time. However, he still liked her and her smile.
Finally unfortunately, he had a traffic accident, and died. She cried very sad and crazy, she was watching those coaches he sent all the time. She began to regret that she did not cherish him, cherish his feelings. But it was too late already.
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