Countless books happen to be written about "how to"regardingchildren; countless philosophies, a lot of colleges,a lotadvice… What is the BEST way to treat achild or toraise a child is the question that was askedso often. Tobe a better parent, teacher friend of achild one has toknow and remember a few basic things:Achild is NOT apossessionA child is a person with a smallbodyThe moment ababy opens his eyes he begins to observe,and experience byobservation. A CHILD IS NOT APOSSESSION: Therefore,treat a child as you would treatany adult. You do notspank an adult who doesn'tunderstand you; you do not scoldan adult who spilled wineover your expensive tablecloth,right? You'd probably tellhim, "No problem…don'tfeel bad about it..." If anadult doesn't want or can't dosomething you ask him to do,do you punish him? If mbt tembea a childdoes something that upsetsyou--ask yourself how YOU wouldhave liked to be treatedif you were in that situation.Would you want to beshouted at? Scolded? Blamed? Punished?Spanked? Or youwould like mbt shoes store to be understood and treatedgently withcompassion? Maybe you'd like to be shown how tohandlethings better so they don't happen again? A CHILDIS APERSON IN A SMALL BODY: Unlike old colleges, a child isNOTa tabula rasa - a clean slate. A child comes toyoualready with certain qualities, character, likesanddislikes, intelligence--like any other grown-up youmeet.The only difference is that his physical motorabilitiesare not developed yet--language skills and theuse of hislimbs. As opposed to a grown up a young childis utterlydependent on you. He needs you to feed him,change hisdiapers, dress him, wash him and generally, helphim tocare for his body. And because
mbt skor he is so dependent onyou,you have to be even MORE gentle, loving andconsiderate,as he is very fragile and sensitive and has noother
zapatos mbt online placeto go or any other choice where to be. Becauseyou arethe only anchor that he has you have tocontinuously givehim the reassurance that he is loved;that he will alwaysbe cared for; that you will neverdesert him or neglecthim. If you want a mentally healthychild, give him allthe love in
mbt schuhe online the world. You CANNOT spoila child with toomuch affection.TEACHING A CHILD: To tell achild "Don'ttouch it," "Stop such and such," "Don't dosuch and such,"usually will lead to bad control and nomotion forward.Explain to a child the reasons behind yourinstructions.If he asks more questions to clarify, pleaseanswer him.If you don't know the answers, please, please,please, don't invent them to look smart. You will earnmore respect ifyou admit that you don't know and that youwill find theanswers later. If you keep telling childrennot to do, notto be a certain way, they will end up doingit in spite,unless they see the reasons for it and thelogic behind it.Thus, explain to a child the reasoning foryourinstructions and what could be the consequences. Ifachild breaks or spills something, help HIM clean it orgetrid of the broken pieces. This way he'll feel better,he'll feel he is taking some responsibility for the messthathe created and won't slump down to self-blame andregretand all those unhealthy emotions. You can even askhim todo something for you to make up the damage,something heCAN do until he is more cheered up. The mostimportantmessage that you give the child by acting likethis is:that things CAN be fixed. Can you see that when achildunderstands that anything can be fixed, you arecreating ahealthy, optimistic child with no anxiety.Jimmyaccidentally breaks a plate. You can say. "Oh, youbroke aplate. Now, let's clean it together. Don't golecturingabout why and what happened. Look at the "NOW"see whatyou can do NOW. Have him, with a little help fromyou (ifhe needs it) get rid of the pieces and then you cangivehim a small broom to get rid of the small particles,andthen hand him a wet rug or a sponge to fully clean it.When he is done, you will have a very happy mbt imara white Jimmy whoisnot afraid to break things and knows he can always makeupthe damage. The more punishment, the more you scoldonlymakes your child want to experience less, because heisafraid to do things that he might get scolded for,andeventually will end up becoming an inactive childthatwill break things on purpose, that will sit idlybeforethe TV doing nothing as he doesn't want to make amistakesand doesn't want to be punished for being active.Let thekids make their own mistakes, let them learn fromthem.Show them that if you are afraid to make mistakes youwillnever DO anything and when you don't DO you will neverbehappy. Life is about experiencing, it is aboutmakingmistakes and learning from them, it is about failingandfalling and getting up even stronger and wiser. I hadamagical childhood, where most my wisdom came from myOWNexperiences as a child. I was free to go anywherewithoutany adult supervision. I made my own judgmentsregardingmy activities. I decided what would be dangerousand whatnot. My best lessons were learning from mymistakes. Ibelieve the best way a child can grow is tohave generalboundaries and then have him/her make theirown judgmentwithin those. This way you have a self assured,confidentindividual who learns to trust himself and hisdecisions.A CHILD OVSERVES AND EXPERIENCES BY OBSERVATION:Thereforebe a good model of politeness mbt masai and positiveattitude. Helpyour child grow to be a strong and healthyindividual.
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