1. A great number of female are crazy for Brand. Most of them may just have a vague idea about it. Therefore, the followings content I want to you something about the logo of BRAND. There are three main logos. The first is bamboo handle.
Christian Louboutin Sale bags are based on the nature of bamboo. All of these bamboo are imported from China and Vietnam. The natural materials and hand barbecue technical achieve its features that not hard to broke. The second is equestrian chain. In the early 20th century, horses is the main means of transport in Italy. Therefore, there were much people who manufacture harness, and BRAND was one of the best. Horses chain was also the invention of
Christian Louboutin Ireland The known details of the design, not only because of aesthetics, but also a memory for times past equestrian. BRAND equestrian chain suede shoes is a good example of the history of footwear, and even the United States collected a pair of it on the Metropolitan Museum. The third is logo printed with the letter G trademark and eye-catching red and green color which is as a symbol of BRAND in briefcases, handbags, wallets and other products of brand. This is the first classic LOGO design of BRAND.
2. BRAND is touchable public luxury, which is also the most conspicuous of the luxury brand. The usual style of BRAND is simple, realistic. This simple design not only meet the current fashion tastes, but it also still retains the original design idea. BRAND is equal to Louis Vuitton and BRAND, but the its average price at the mall is almost only half of its competitors.
Christian Louboutin Sale bags are preferred by fashionable women. The bags are both generous and practical but also the price is appropriate. Such brand brand, how can we not prefer? Taking this yellow hangbag for example, it’s generous. You can bring it to any occasion. Moreover, it is easy to match with any kind of clothes, skirt, dress even coat. Therefore, buying this kind of hangbag is sensible decision. Whatever season it is, it cann’t be out of fashion.