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M198 christian louboutin sale uk 15. Watch your language. Many Chinese who speak and read English learned the language in an academic setting. As a result, they're often unaware of colloquialisms or figures of speech that we take for granted. I've seen "Love Canal" translated as "sex virology." An article on negotiation skills contains the phrase "football field" when in fact the English original talks about "a level playing field." Other American phrases such as "in terms of," "the skinny," "ballpark," "sidebar" and other sports jargon will confuse the Chinese mind. Keep in mind that most Chinese people (translators or even executives) will not ask you to explain your terms because they don't want to lose "face" themselves or put you on the spot. To avoid these pitfalls, it's important that you have someone with experience living and working in Western countries to review your translations. Shop R62 new a05 On Sale P93 buy z47 nike fuel band price nike air jordan 11 xi retro silver anniversary pack white silver benefits of yoga nidra
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