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louis vuitton Chiropractor is a doctor who is specialized in diseases of muscles and nerves generally called neuromuscular disorders, . tThese are the conditions when muscles are affected and it directly affects nervous system of the patient. A person with these disorders visits a chiropractor who treats through adjustment of muscles and by stretching the spines and muscles. aAs it is mentioned that these are disorders of muscles and spines so these disorders are most commonly cured with exercise and walk . cChiropractics means medicines are also used in these cases mostly in severe casesa chiropractor and every common physician suggest exercise to patient and if patient is not well to perform exercise doctor give stretch to reduce pain and brings nerves to their normal place.Any person visits a chiropractor when he feels that his muscles and nerves are dysfunctioning.sometimes due to accidents muscles get strained and patient visits a chiropractor .in this case if there is no injury doctor suggests any pain killer and advise him to do exercise but if there is an injury then doctor recommend a treatment consists at one or two weeks.when a person suffers a back pain he visits the chiropractor ,mostly in back pain cases a chiropractor cannot treat a person although they are first line helper and guideline provider.in some cases when a person feels pain and vistis to a general physician after necessary tests he say that I cannot understand why you are suffering from pain in these cases patient go to achiropractor .when a person is not taking a healthy and a balanced diet back pain occurs due to weeknessespecially in persons with low BMI .sometime when a person suffers from headaches he take it a light pain and not go to doctor but when he feels more pain he visits a chiropractor that’s a wrong decision, he should visit a physician that can cure headache.