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General Category => General Discussion => Sujet démarré par: Bennysr sur Avril 10, 2013, 11:24:50

Titre: Where You Live Does Not Define Who You Are
Posté par: Bennysr sur Avril 10, 2013, 11:24:50
The title of this topic can be functional to some condition. You can exist in a Mansion and subsist Ignorant about being, as that is all you know. Or you can survive in the midst of diversity and be unfasten minded, for the reason that that is all you know. I myself, am thankful and proud that I was raised out of bed in the concluding of the two choices.

About me, TerazAlboNigdy2013zX I am a Military Brat, and I have been approximately the world a few time. But I have been based in a Major Metropolitan Area most of my adult life, and for fairly a few existence, as a child, I lived in Public Housing. Or as recognized in England, the Council Flats. And that fact unaccompanied makes me, and a complete lot of others like me, have a broader scope of the World than a lof of people. I for eternity pride myself on creature intelligent to have intellectual, important banter with anybody from a Preacher to a Pimp, and I sense that I industrial this skill in division beginning my upbringing in the Ida B. Wells and ABLA Public Housing Projects, gratify consider it!

Not only did I live in Public Housing, my mother did too, for a longer moment in time than I did. And all my shut relations friends that have acknowledged me all my life hail from some communal housing compound in this Major city of Ours.

We are a Proud Crowd, to articulate the slightest. Especially for people of my age assembly, present was a complete diverse mentality regarding living wage in Public Housing, than what you perceive nowadays in America, purposely the city that I exist in. We had a broader sense of community, than what I see now. By the time we got to subsist teenagers especially, we knew how to cooperate with most several competition, creed before orientation, for the reason that that is how our neighborhoods were structured. If your housing scheme was all of one contest, a quantity of of your relatives lived in otherwise near a housing development that had diversity for your ass! This is a fact!!!!!

Whether you came from a two-parent home projekty domów ( in the vein of I and some did, before a one father abode similar to some others, you treated your Public Housing Home immediately approximating a home that your parents purchased. People mopped hallways and looked out the windows into the courtways after every others kids. Custodians of the buildings actually livedi n the buildings. The mailman really knew everybody's name when correspondence occasion came around! We trick-or-treated safely!

Working nation lived there, and survived. And when they gone their apartments to budge on top of to added spaces, they absent it with the mentality that they came there with, which was that they were coming or going to accomplish great immense or else improved with themselves, and they came in and/or went on to get vast clothes with their lives. If you are reading what I am saying and can sense what I am saying, you probably have a Laundry List of Great Things that you have complete, or Great People that you have known, from a Housing Project!

I bring up and doing this topic, since I hear nation conversation about Public Housing in my city now, these new citizens to this city that don't recognize whatever thing but what they distinguish on Tube, that don't recognize the rich the past of my City.

There in fact is no additional municipal housing at this juncture, for the reason that it has been demolished designed for the most division, to create method designed for so-called projekty domów ( "gentrification" which is a code word designed for Moving Minorities to the Suburbs, in order to Move the so-called "powers that be" into the central cities. I articulate the "powers that live" for the reason that I and deem that the innovative Slavery is based not resting on the color of One's Skin, excluding by the Content of their Pocketbook/Purse.

And I perceive this happening each and every one greater than the United States.

I will declare it again, where you live next to does not projekty domów ( define you. Your character and what is in your Heart, that is what defines you. So turn sour your TV and learn regarding populace, sooner than you create assumptions, because ASSUME is spelled absent in the vein of ASS + U + ME!!!!!

Further, I feel in my heart that wherever one can pay for to survive, that is where one be supposed to exist, and one be supposed to not be alive enforced not in otherwise pressed absent, every one designed for the way of urban restitution which is theoretical to exist beneficial to all Voters in a Municipality!!!!!

As extended as I can reimburse my House Note, I will be in this world at this point, in the City where I was raised awake. How defy any person strive to push me elsewhere, they don't know me! So they don't have that true to say where I can otherwise cannot exist. I be in this world in my City, bar I exist awfully close to a few fringes, and exceptionally by one more state as well. I distinguish the remnants of Public Housing Today, which is currently called Section 8 where I survive on, being hard-pressed absent to places which had never seen black or else brown faces, just designed for the sake of "gentrification" I don't see this equal combine in the City that these people were pressed absent on or after, why is that, I wonder???

I believe, in part, for the reason that of the "perception" that Public Housing People before Section 8 People would projekty domów ( just be alive joyful to live in a Suburb, and that these kinds of people carry out not be on familiar terms with one better.

Stop The Madness! If you are immobile iln your City where you live by, and you can motionless have enough money to live at hand, STAND AND FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS! That is one fixation that we as people necessitate to stand up meant for, and don't acquire this laying downstairs. I anticipate it is not too not on time.

Don't allow what you see happening TV skew your view on people. Public Housing People projekty domów ( and Section 8 People, in attendance are exceptionally first-rate ones and exceptionally dreadful ones. Just like there are incredibly first-class and awfully terrible rich people!!!!!

I will tell you again, in the midst of supplementary gear, I myself am a product of Public Housing, as is my mother and a full lot of lifelong contacts, and blood and complete relations. But I am big than the generation of younger populace now, possibly I missed the memo?????? Since when does Public Housing and Section 8 get to equate SHAME????? When did that definition move toward out?

OK, that is my rant tonight. Position and comment stipulation you want, excluding that is what I think regarding that topic.

Thanks for reading.

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